The LoJo Lovefactory is the official red wine, peanut, light bulb string and purple streamer supplier of Pocfest. Thanks, LoJo!
Get your last minute instructions to Arrive Alive at Pocfest. ![]()
Celebrity Dairy in Siler City, North Carolina is the official goat cheese supplier for Pocfest! ![]() A goat. ![]() Cheese. Yes sir (and ma'am), you'll be able to have your very own Pocfest souvenirs, to cherish forever or until they wear out, whichever comes first. All sorts of products are available for men, women and babies, all with the Pocfest banjo cat and the immortal words of Ro-Revus, "Never use the out of doors for a bathroom."
Follow this link to CafePress. This just in. Twig Palace of Twig Palace fame to perform at Pōcfest Other Washington/New Orleans acts may follow. -Chad
Chad here. These are from WVU's Historical Photographs Collection. They were all taken in Pocahontas County, some quite near where we'll be staying at High Rocks.
Diana L. and I (this is Dwight writing this) spent the weekend in Pocahontas County, scouting Pocfest locations. I drove from Baltimore, but with a stop in Culpeper, Virginia, so took the GPS-approved route of taking I-81 down to I-64, then west into West Virginia, then north on Highway 219. There are several ways getting to Pocahontas County from the north and east, and each one is gorgeous. I've grown fond of this route mostly largely because this is the way I came on my first trip to (I've been four times now), and I love the vistas and the farmland heading north at dusk. If anything it's almost too beautiful. I've posted a few pictures so you'll get the idea of what it looks like in Pocahontas County. ![]() We stayed at Blue Lick Run, home of Pocfest hostess Brynn K., and the main site for 4th of July activities. Brynn has a charming house at the edge of the National Forest. |